These are the stories of the USS Churchill.

Sim Content Rating:
RPG Rating 2 1 2
This closely corresponds to PG-13 from film ratings. | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Discord


The USS Churchill is a proud member of Independence Fleet

One of the newly commissioned Luna Class Starships. Part of the 7th task force under the Command of Captain James Stewart.

The Churchill is a 16+sim in the Delta Quadrant, the year is 2396 and Churchill’s Current mission is with taking supplies and equipment to the newly restored Starbase Avalon and beyond.

Do you have what it takes to brave the unknown?.

Then Join Captain James Stewart today!


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This simulation is rated 16+




Latest News Items

» DMARC testing

Posted on Tue Oct 12th, 2021 @ 10:31am by Major myers Hanson in General News

Doing some DMARC testing. Please ignore but feel free if email reaches inbox and not spam folders. 4

» DMARC testing

Posted on Tue Oct 12th, 2021 @ 10:30am by Major myers Hanson in General News

Doing some DMARC testing. Please ignore but feel free if email reaches inbox and not spam folders. 3

» testing

Posted on Tue Oct 12th, 2021 @ 9:58am by Major myers Hanson in General News

Doing some DMARC testing. Please ignore but feel free if email reaches inbox and not spam folders.

Latest Mission Posts

» Spiders & Skeletons

Mission: New Home
Posted on Wed Jun 5th, 2024 @ 1:44am by Lieutenant Commander Katana Rochelle Stewart & Lieutenant JG Jane Twicepot

[ ON ]

-Firing range-

The target was completely obliterated as Jane fired at it a multitude of times. She could feel the weapon getting hot in her hands. As she continued a stray memory came to mind , one she had thought buried.

The USS Edinburgh had received a…

» Watching you.

Mission: New Home
Posted on Sun May 26th, 2024 @ 6:40pm by Captain James Stewart & Lieutenant JG Jane Twicepot



After handing in her transfer papers Twicepot got her room allocation and security codes. Jane was quite relieved that she was not sharing a room. Although as a child back home in Oz she had shared with her two sisters. At her last posting, she had been alone…

» Arrival of the new CEO: In Dire Straits

Mission: New Home
Posted on Sat May 25th, 2024 @ 2:19pm by Captain James Stewart & Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord


Lt. Cmndr. Lazarus Kord departed the shuttle that had been escorted by the fighters from the USS Oceanus. With the arrival of the Oceanus - and arguably Kord himself - the Churchill would be in good hands - or claws. Taking a PADD provided by a Yeoman (who looked…

» Help on its way

Mission: New Home
Posted on Wed May 22nd, 2024 @ 11:00pm by Captain James Stewart


== Captain’s Ready Room - USS Churchill & USS Oceanus==

= James Ready Room - USS Churchill=

Having his Security chief tell him not to send the Mayday call which his security chief had overruled, James had decided to take Grimes and his office and remind him that he…

» Status report

Mission: New Home
Posted on Thu Jan 25th, 2024 @ 11:21pm by Captain James Stewart & Lieutenant Commander Katana Rochelle Stewart & Lieutenant Commander Sherlock Grimes & Lieutenant Commander Amelia Gordon & Lieutenant Callisi Veera & Lieutenant JG Jane Twicepot & Lieutenant JG Connor O'Donnel & Lieutenant JG Phinix Vander

After five hours of floating dead in space and a shipwide shutdown had occurred, James looked around his bridge crew stationed on the bridge as he hoped that the comms had been reworked so he could find out the ship's status. He said” Status report?”

Callisi took half a step…

Latest Personal Logs

» Embarking on a New Journey

Posted on Tue Mar 26th, 2024 @ 1:37pm by Lieutenant JG Elara Roslin

This takes Place Before Current Mission

Personal Log

This is Lieutenant Elara Roslin, reporting on my latest posting aboard the USS Winston Churchill. It's been a whirlwind of activity since I arrived, but I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve as a Diplomatic Officer and Security and Tactical Officer on…

» On Our Way

Posted on Fri Jan 20th, 2023 @ 11:53pm by Lieutenant Commander Amelia Gordon

Amelia sat in her quarters, sipping a cup of tea as she thought about the day so far. "Computer, begin personal log" The computer beeped to acknowledge and she sat back.

"Well, the launch was certainly not what I expected. I mean it was, the leaving and starting off on…

» A new office for Amelia

Posted on Tue Apr 12th, 2022 @ 2:09am by Lieutenant Commander Amelia Gordon

Amelia Gordon entered the office in science department on the USS Winston Churchill that would be hers. 'Chief of Science' Was written on the placard next to the doorway. She lifted her hand and lightly ran her fingers over the words, a small smile on her face. "It's been quite…

» Arrival

Posted on Sat Apr 2nd, 2022 @ 9:16pm by Lieutenant Jamie McGowan

"Personal Log...I don't know the date. But I'm arriving on the Luna class ship, USS Winston Churchill.

It's been several months since my accident and I'm doing great. I had plenty of time with my family and Starfleet sent several telepaths to rummage through my mind to verify that I'm…